Thursday, May 10, 2012

Improving Scripture Study

Posted by: Sally

We had a great Relief Society Meeting on Tuesday on improving scripture study.  Brother Walker from the institute came and spoke to us for about an hr about reading the scriptures.  This class was timely for me because I've had a strong desire to improve my study.  I've been wanting to turn my sporadic scripture reading into consistent scripture study.  I came home totally inspired and have had two days of  great study and my days have been much improved. I have reflected on what I studied several times through the day.

Something important to remember is that we can always improve.  Don't feel bad if your scripture study is sub par or non existent.  Repent and recommit yourself.  That is what life is about.

These are some changes I was prompted to make for myself.  Study at my desk.  Set a timer.  Study by subject. Keep a log/journal of what I learn and any promptings I have.

I'll check back with you all in about a month to see how I did with my consistency (the hardest part for me).


be Humble, be Teachable, be Prayerful

Brother Walker said this is the essential key to scripture study.  If you do these three things then the Lord will speak to you through the scriptures. You do not need to be a scriptorian to be exalted.  You need to be taught by and filled with the Holy Ghost while reading the scriptures.

Brother Walker then suggested some tools for reading the scriptures that will help you learn more and remember more and dig in.

Here are a few of the tools he suggested.  Here is the pdf of the complete handout so you can print it and look it over in detail.

Make lists

in Alma 34, what things does Amulek suggest we pray for.

Look for definitions

in 2 Nephi 25:4, what is the key to understanding the words of Isaiah?

Ask questions and ponder

"by pondering we give the Spirit an opportunity to impress and direct."  Marvin J Ashton.

Cause and Affect

look for "if" and "then" statements


"like" or "as"  example, Jeremiah 18:6, who is the potter, who is the clay?

Brother Walker also gave us a handout with questions that can help your study.  These questions were originally presented to help seminary teachers prepare their lessons.  These questions would also improve personal study.

PDF of study questions.

If you were at this meeting, please comment on anything thought and feelings you had. What did you learn or how do you want to improve your study?


  1. So sad I was out if town for this! Thanks for sharing some what was taught for those who couldn't be there.

  2. One thing I wanted to say in the mtg but didn't get a chance to - We can also view the General Conference Ensign as scriptures to read and study. My brain doesn't always turn on first thing in the morning, so I read a talk from the General Conference Ensign and then the scriptures that correlate. I find it is easier for my brain to process a great talk followed by scriptures.
